Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jizz in my pants..

Saw this on PM9's blog.. Hope they dun mind me taking this here...
No copyright i hope.... Hehe..

Warning: 18+ sexual content.. (Tio! hope it will help your penguin...)

this is for the four boys

we're watching this tomorrowwww!!

look into his intense eyes :)

look at his HOT body :P

look at his strong jawbone (hahahahaha)

oh my gosh, don't you just LOVE him?
i do. (lol)
and Ms Cindy, this is Hugh Jackman.
tsung wai.. play the Jizz song. ahahahahahahaahahahahahahahah!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's Easy!

I'm dead bored at home, and decided to finish up this entry. I found out that some of PM8-ers didn't post anything in the class blog because they don't know how to use Blogger. So, I decided to post the tutorial, and hence all of us should start blogging from now onwards. =)

Please click on the pictures for enlargement!

Firstly, log in first. You can't post any entry if you don't. ( Eherm, Tio! )

Once you're in dashboard, click on "New Post".

Name your post and type anything you want in the box I highlighted with pink.

Meaning of the icons

I know some of you wish to upload pictures and videos as well. No worries, it is an easy job too. You don't have to squeeze your brain juice just to figure out how because I'm here to tell you the ways. =)Therefore, please upload the remaining pictures and videos during our trip, okay? Haha.

Click on the "Upload Picture" icon, and you'll see a pop up window. After that, click "Browse" and select a picture from your computer. If you would like to upload more, you can click "Add another image". You can upload 5 pictures at the same time. Then, choose a layout, whether you want your pictures to be in the middle or what and select the image size as well. I prefer large. =)

Same goes to uploading video. Click on the "Upload Video" icon, and you'll see a pop up window as well. Name your video and click "Browse" to select a video from your computer. Remember to agree to the Terms and Conditions.

However, I personally recommend Youtube because it is faster and larger. After you upload your videos in Youtube, click on your usernameto go to your homepage. You'll see all the videos you have uploaded.

Then go to the page of the video itself. You'll see "Embed" on your right hand side. Copy all the codes in there and paste them in the pink highlighted box I showed you guys just now. Remember to paste them in Edit Html, not Compose.

Last step, click on Publish Post after you are done with editing and composing. Ta-dah, you'll see your entry in our blog then. =)

goth pics

gothic enough Sam Ong?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Stay together

for you guys to look at...

Briefing on US Universities

There will be a briefing on US Universities by our very own student, Miss Sharon Teng Hui Li. Sharon is a Bank Negara Scholar and has received an offer from Harvard University, US to read Economics. We are indeed very proud of her achievements and it’s just wonderful to know that she applied to the University without being helped by the College or any consulting agencies. Sharon has agreed to speak to our students who are interested to go to US for their degree course. I believe she will be sharing some very important information with regards to the application for example Application Process, Financial Aid/Scholarships, Admission Policies, SAT & TOEFL tests. As such, I would like to encourage those who are interested in US Universities to attend this briefing which will be held on:

Date : Monday, 4th May 2009

Time : 3:00pm

Venue : Lecture Theatre 3

Students who are interested are required to register their names with Ms Marilyn.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Space to breathe...

Hey guys..(girls..),
I know this past week you have all been studying and worried bout the upcoming moral, chem and bio exams... (if u aren't, dun worry cause you're not worried.. i din study either) and felt suffocated....

Be happy! Now you can all breathe!

Ms cindy just informed that she'll change her exams to next thursday since both she and Mr peter teaches the same classes and they have been complaining.. So... Next week!! This week will be Bio and next week Chem.. Hope this is a good news to you all.. i know some will feel sad cause they can't wait to get their A's but for me i'm happy!!

Breathing Class Rep.. Haiz.....

Saturday, April 25, 2009



throughout the times we spent together,
never had i expected this.
There was many ups and downs,
That we were almost broken,
Many noticed even those not close to us
I even believed their comments,
thinking they are right in their assessment,
when it comes to our closeness,
Pm8, its unbelievable.


Many hardships come and go,
Sometimes i wonder where we're heading to,
I've almost come to believe that its gone,
The closeness we've developed and that was hone.

The starting of this year was extatic,
unbelievable even i felt the static,
All the things that we've done like we're the closest of friends,
then started a downward trend.

I've felt it gone even lecturers the most,
The thing that i thought my class can boast,
I lost faith in that we had,
I thought it was gone, that bad.

But definitely i was wrong,
for PD we had fun and played, even laughed about thongs???
We definitely are close, undeniable,
what we could achieve from now onwards, unbelievable.

This would be a great year to look forward,
Now set our goals as we move toward,
Set it higher and never be a coward,
We've definitely reach it even.... Harvard?? (well not everyone wants to go there but...)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Exams???? What the...

CAL January & March 2009: Welcome Back Letter from Programme Director

Check this message on student portal.. In it you'll find a letter written saying our first Sem exams are on the 18th May.. Is it true?? Have it been moved from 8 June until mid May?


Omg... Let's all study.. and pray!!

Panicking Class Rep

Moral Project:Religion

Ok for those of you who have not done it, all groups are supposed to pass a softcopy to Mr Ari regarding the moral project for the religion. one hard copy and the soft copy pass it through BB7.
Send it through the digital dropbox

1)Click on the subject-moral education
2)Then on tools(at the left of the page)
3)Click on digital dropbox
4) choose send file, not add.. cause send file functions as add and send at the same time.. saw time and energy..(learned it the hard way)
5) add your file and press send.
6) you're done!!

If you still dun understand then ask Mr ari tomorrow for some time then can teach you during class how to use.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our First Trip Together


Believe your eyes, have faith in them!

Mee Kuan actually uploaded most of the pictures in her camera just for you guys despite how the laziness in her tries to stop her to do so. See, i love you guys this much. Haha! =P

The picture you are looking for isn't here? Or you want the full set of collection? Bring your pendrive tomorrow and pass it to Mee Kuan. She'll satisfy your needs. Haha.