Wednesday, January 21, 2009

not your average birthday.

today is the 21st of January, and yeah, it's my birthday.

it started off like every other day, i woke up at 6.30, got to college at 8.00 and started classes as usual. midway thorugh Maths, i realise that i was missing my lab coat. knowing how FIERCE and STRICT Ms.Cindy is, i started asking everyone in class whether they had friends in other classes who had lab today and started frantically sms-ing My friends if they had lab today. in the end, i decided that i would either: a) borrow a lab coat. b) just skip class (LOL).

so, i told my classmates my options and they all said, "Don't worry lah, no lab coat also nevermind", especially our Class Rep who was sms-ing me through out lunch to come for Chem class. in the end, i managed to get a lab coat and got to class on time.

in class, i told Ms.Cindy that i misplaced my lab coat and blah blah blah. She almost totally ignored me and i thought she was just PMS-ing or something. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! so, i sat down, put the lab coat on and waited for class to begin. suddenly some other lecturer comes in and says it was a spot check. he checks everyone and 'coincidentally' asked whose lab coat was not theirs. i thought, "Darn, kena tangkap basah." so i lifted my hand and he asked me to leave the class. then, when i was taking off the lab coat, he asked, "Why is it not right for one to wear someone else's lab coat" and some one asked, "WHY??" and he just said out of no where, "because it is your Birthday."

i stood there stunned and confused for a little longer than 10 seconds. everyone sang happy birthday and i didn't know what to do. it was uber embarassing! turns out they had been planning the whole ordeal for awhile now and i just didn't know. URGH. haha.

well, to my class mentor Ms.Cindy, that is officially the Best Prank Birthday surprise i have ever been through or witnessed. so well organised and planned out. to my class, PM8, thank you so very very much. this year has been one of the best birthdays i ever had (no joke). so once again thank you VERY much :)


  1. u almost spoiled my prank! I didnt know that u have such a good network of friends which enable u to get a labcoat! Well, since U got ur labcoat, so ur Class Rep Sms me and asked me to change plan. (It was during the lunch time) and I went out 4 lunch with other lecturers, and from there, we came out a new idea :)

  2. keke... long live pm8!

  3. yea. now i think i should have kept quiet about getting the lab coat and surprise you all back. LOL.
